Friday, September 24, 2010

Final Journal

Journal: What evidence is there that the final battle is a spiritual or psychological one, rather than a literal one.  Think about what clues are given, and how they connect with Hinduism

Some evidence supporting a spiritual battle over a literal one is in the "weapons" they use. Some of the weapons aren't really weapons at all, just concepts. The "Gnana" is one such example. "Gnana" is literally wisdom. Rama sends forth wisdom to combat the illusions or "Maya" Ravanna has sent forth. It reminds me of Pokemon cards; you throw down a card that has a special power that defeats your enemies, but no actual fighting takes place. They also use pray a whole heck of a lot before doing anything, making sure the god's give their blessings on their attacks. That's a definite connection to Hinduism as they make sure everything will appease the gods before doing it so as not to wreck their kharma. Rama's final blow to Ravanna shows more evidence to a spiritual war as it attacked his heart, his being, rather than his physical self. Ravanna had taken care to protect his physical being, but didn't protect his heart, the thing that matters most to Hindus.

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